honey cake in simple steps
Honey is made by collecting bees for nectar and storing it in cells. It is then exposed to some intracellular processes to produce honey. Honey is characterized by its complex composition, which varies according to the type of flowers collected from the nectar, but can be said to consist mainly of fructose and glucose, It also contains a little fructose polysaccharide Fructooligosaccharides), vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, in addition to many flavonoid compounds, phenolic compounds, ascorbic acid, and many other compounds that possess antioxidant effects. Humans have used honey 8000 years ago, and some of the drawings dating back to the Stone Age have been found. These drawings illustrate the uses of honey at the time. Honey has been used for ancient Egyptian, Assyrian, Greek, Roman and Chinese cultures. Wounds and bowel disease, possibly due to its multiple antioxidant properties, infections, and bacteria. Ingredients of the honey cake Five eggs.…
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